Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Mass Delete Files using SuiteScript

This article provides an example on how to mass delete files created over x days ago.

The concept to get this done is by creating a Document Saved Search in the UI and pull down the results via SuiteScript.  Basic knowledge in SuiteScript and searches is required for the instructions below.

     1. Create a Document Search in the UI (Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Document)
          1.a Title = Any
          1.b ID = _jdocument (For SuiteScript use)

     2. Criteria: Date Created is within 3/1/2011 and 3/1/2011

     3. Under Results tab, I added the following:
           3.a Internal ID
           3.b Name
           3.c Type
           3.d Size (KB)
           3.e Date Created
           3.f Last Modified

     4. Finally, the script pulls up the above search:

          var s = nlapiSearchRecord('file', 'customsearch_jdocument');

          for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
               var cols = s[i].getAllColumns();

               var internalId = s[i].getValue(cols[0]);
               var fileName = s[i].getValue(cols[1]);
               var type = s[i].getValue(cols[2]);
               var size + s[i].getValue(cols[3]);
               var dateCreated = s[i].getValue(cols[4]);
               var lastModified = s[i].getValue(cols[5]);

               nlapiDeleteFile( internalId );

This can be used as temporary workaround since Files are not yet officially supported in SuiteScript.

The functionality is being tracked under Enhancement# 135472 (SuiteScript - Add methods to add and update files in the File Cabinet).


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