- Find the Employee record through the Global Search or navigate to Lists > Employees > Employees
- Click Edit next to employee who is experiencing the issue
- In Access subtab > Roles sublist > remove NetSuite Support Center and NetSuite Support Center (Basic) roles.
- Click Save.
- Edit Employee record once again
- Access subtab > Roles sublist > add again the two roles back.
- Click Save.
- Edit Employee record again and do steps 3-4.
- Repeat steps 5-7 once again.
- Log out of NetSuite.
- Clear browsing history
- Log back in to NetSuite
- Navigate to Support tab and check if the NetSuite Account Center will now appear for you.
This alternate solution is a bit long to apply, however it is very important for its success that every step is taken precisely.
You will hear this time and time again with the Internet Marketing crowd... 'the money is in the list!' and if we are to market successfully then having a list to inform on a regular basis is absolutely essential. If we apply this to offline marketing, most of the hard work in sending out a mailshot was creating a quality list of people in the first place... our target audience! If we are to engage the services of a Direct Marketing company for a telephone campaign... at some point before this a list must be found, either from an existing database or bought from an organisation specialising in such Lists, the higher the quality the better. storey oto