Saturday, May 4, 2019

Display Item record’s Income Account Number only on Transaction Line

Scenario: User would like to display an item's Income Account on a Sales transaction. However, using Sourcing & Filtering > Source List = Item and Source From = Income Account only displays the Account Name instead of Account Number.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Navigate to CustomizationLists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Line Fields > New.

2. Enter Name (example: Income Account)

3. Set Type = Free-Form Text

4. Deselect Store Value.

5. In Applies To tab, select Sale.

6. In Sourcing & Filtering tab, set the following:

            Source List = Item

            Source From = Income Account

7. Click Save.

8. Create a new Sales Order (Transaction > Sales > Enter Sales Order) and add an inventory item then save.

Actual Result: Custom column field 'Income Account' displays 'Sales' instead of '4000 Sales'


To resolve this, user can create two transaction line fields - one is a List/Record type pulling up a list of Accounts and another is Free-Form Text field to display the Account's Number.

Perform the following steps: 

1. Navigate to CustomizationLists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Line Fields > New

2. Enter Name (example: Item Income Account)

3. Set Type = List/Record and List/Record = Account.

4. Check the box for Store Value.

5. In Applies To tab, select Sale.

6. In Sourcing & Filtering tab, set Source List = Item and Source From = Income Account

7. Click Save & New.

8. Create new Transaction Line Field > Enter Name (example: Income Account Number)

9. Set Type = Free-Form Text and Store Value = F

10. In Applies To, select Sale

11. In Sourcing & Filtering, set Source List = Item Income Account (name of the first custom column field) and Source From = Number.

12. Click Save.


To check, create a new Sales Order. There should be two columns on the transaction - One displays the Account Name and another to display Account Number.

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