Determine if NetSuite account is a OneWorld or Non-OneWorld account
A unique identifier of a OneWorld Account is Subsidiaries. There are instances wherein users would like to know if the account is a OneWorld or not. Below, are two ways of how to achieve this through script:
Note: nlapiGetSubsidiary or nlobjContext.GetSubsidiary will return the current user's subsidiary for OneWorld accounts and '1' for non-OneWorld accounts. A better way to differentiate the accounts is to use a unique identifier for OneWorld accounts.
Server Side Script:
var isOneWorld;
var companyInfo = nlapiLoadConfiguration('userpreferences'); //gets user preferences
var acctSubsidiary = companyInfo.getFieldValue('subsidiary'); //gets subsidiary from user preferences
if(acctSubsidiary!=null){ //if subsidiary is not null
isOneWorld = true; //account is a OneWorld account
isOneWorld = false; //account is NOT a OneWorld account
Client Side Script:
var isOneWorld;
var temp = nlapiCreateRecord('subsidiary'); //attempts to create a subsidiary record
//if no error occurs, script proceeds
isOneWorld = true; //account is a OneWorld account
}catch(e){ //catches the error
isOneWorld = false; //account is NOT a OneWorld account
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