Saturday, March 2, 2019

Multi-location Inventory: Sales Order Search > show item quantity available for specific location only

Below are the steps with the assumption that there are two locations (Location A and Location B) and search is for Location B

1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.
2. Select Transaction in the list.
3. Rename the Search Title.
4. Under the Criteria tab, Standard subtab, set the following filters:
**Type is any of Sales Order
**Item: Inventory Location is Location B
**Date is within (set the date range)
**Status is (select the Sales Order statuses)
**Tax Line is false
**Shipping Line is false
**Item is not none
5. Under the Results tab, Columns subtab, add the fields "Item" and "Item: Location Available". You can add/remove other fields in the report.
6. Click the Save & Run button.

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