Saturday, March 2, 2019

Custom Role Assigned with Full Access Level to Contacts Permission Do Not See All the Contacts

Steps to reproduce:


Create a custom role:

1. Administrator navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles > New.

2.   Click the Permissions tab.

3.   Click the Lists subtab.

4.   Assign the Contacts permission with Full Access Level.

5.   Assign the Perform Search permission with Access Level.

6.   Do not apply any restrictions in the role.

7.   Save.


Assign the custom role in your employee record:

1.   Navigate to Lists > Employees > Employees.

2.   Edit your Employee record.

3.   Click the Access tab.

4.   Click the Roles subtab.

5.   Assign the custom role.

6.   Save.


Actual results:

1.   User assigned with the role has Full access to Contact records but not all.


Expected results:

1.   Contacts linked to Customers, Employees, Partners, and Vendors are not accessible.


Alternate solution:

Assigning the
 Customers, Vendors, Partners, Companies, and Other Names permissions under the Permissions tab and Lists subtab in the role allows users to access other Contact records linked to Customers, Vendors, Partners, Companies, and Other Names.

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