Thursday, February 28, 2019

nlobjResponse getHeaders Function in Detail


  • getHeaders method is defined on nlobjResponse object
  • nlobjResponse object is created only by nlapiRequestURL
  • getHeaders method is NOT available on nlobjRequest - e.g. on Suitelet request parameter
  • getHeaders method returns an array. Each item of this array is a string

Sample code on how to list all headers:

function suitelet(request, response){	var res = nlapiRequestURL('URL'); // page is loaded and nlobjResponse object is stored in "res"	var allHeaders = res.getAllHeaders(); // get all headers from the response		//all headers will be shown in a table	var out = '<table border="1">';		//run through all headers	for(var h in allHeaders) {				//we know that header 'Set-Cookie' is a header with multiple values		if(allHeaders[h] == 'Set-Cookie') {					//split the 'Set-Cookie' header			var headers = res.getHeaders(allHeaders[h]);						//run through all headers in the 'Set-Cookie' multi-valued header. hS is header name, headers[hS] is its value			for(var hS in headers) {				out += '<tr><th>' + hS + '</th><th>' + headers[hS] + '</th></tr>';			}		} else {			//single header			out += '<tr><th>' + allHeaders[h] + '</th><td>' + res.getHeader(allHeaders[h]) + '</td></tr>';				}	}	out += '</table>';	response.writeLine(out);}

The example function can be used in Suitelets for testing HTTP headers of other NS pages or 3rd party applications.

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