Monday, February 25, 2019

Fulfill an Integrated FedEx International Shipment shows error "Total commodities weight is greater than package or shipment weight."

When doing international shipments, all the items, including their weights, are sent in the request to the carrier.


The Item Weights are taken from the Item record found under Sales/Pricing tab > Shipping section.


An error appears when saving an Item Fulfillment where the Total Package Weight in the Packages tab is less than the Weight of the Item entered in the Item record.


To illustrate:


Item A has 10 lbs. in the Item Weight field as shown in the Item record.


1. Create a Sales Order for Item A.

2. Click on the Fulfill button.

3. Select an Integrated Shipping Item.

4. In the Packages tab > enter 6 (or any value less than 10) in the Weight field.

5. Hit Save button.

6. Notice the error message "Total commodities weight is greater than package or shipment weight".


This message is returned by FedEx. It is a carrier-enforced rule that we cannot submit a request as such.


The Total Package Weight must be equal to or exceed (due to packaging) the total Item Weight. 


In addition, this rule is only applicable to FedEx.  If we use UPS Shipping Item, we will not encounter the above error message.

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