Sunday, February 3, 2019

Email Alert when a certain Est. Gross Profit was reach by the Item

-- Go to Lists > Search> Saved Searches > New >
-- Click Transactions
-- Rename Search Title
-- On the Criteria tab> Standard Sub tab
>>* Filter | Description
>> Type | is any of Cash Sale, Invoice
>> Tax Line | is No
>> Shipping Line | is no
>> Main Line | is no
>> Date | is within Yesterday 
>> Formula (Numeric) is less than .03 Formula = (NULLIF({estgrossprofit},0)/NULLIF({amount},0))    
-- On the Results tab
>> Fields
>> Date
>> Name 
>> Number
>> Item
>> Amount
>> Est. Gross Profit Line
>> Formula Percent | Formula = (NULLIF({estgrossprofit},0)/NULLIF({amount},0))
-- On Email tab > mark Send Emails According to Schedule and Summarize Scheduled Emails
>> Specific Recipients sub tab-- Add Recipients
>> Customize Message sub tab -- add custom message
>> Schedule sub tab -- set the Schedule
-- Save and Run

** In this sample we used 30%
**User could use any date as see fit 

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