Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Display the Value of a Custom Formula Field on Forms and Reports

The value of a custom field renders properly when user views the transaction record. However, when user creates a transaction report, the custom field does not display a value.

To create the sample custom field:
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body Fields > New.
2. Add a Label
3. Set Type to Free-Form Text
4. Under Applies To tab, mark the Sale checkbox.
5. Under Display tab, set Subtab to Main.
6. Set Store Value = F
7. Under Validation & Defaulting tab, mark the Formula checkbox and set Default Value = {probability}*5
8. Click Save.

Open an Estimate record and the field will show the value. Creating any report and the field will show blank


Create a custom workflow.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body Fields > New.
2. Add a Label
3. Type = Free-Form Text
4. Applies To = Sale
5. Display = Subtab = Main.
6. Store Value = T
7. Click Save.

Create the Workflow to enter the formula needed.
1. Navigate to Customization > Scripting > Workflow > New.
2. Enter Workflow Name = Estimate Field
3. Record Type = Transaction
4. Sub Types = Estimate
5. Release Status = Released.
6. Event Based - On Create = T, On Update = T
7. Click Save.
8. Click on New State.
9. Name = Probability Formula
10. Click Save.
11. Click New Action.
12. Choose Type = Set Field Value.
13. Under Parameters, Field = select the custom field created
14. Under Value, click on From Field, Record = Current Record
15. Set the Formula = {probability}*5
16. Click Save.

Open an Estimate Record the field will show the value. Create any Report and it will show the value as well

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