Monday, February 18, 2019

Custom Roles Receive an Invalid URL Message when Clicking a Link to a Custom Record


1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Entity Fields > New.
2. Enter Label of the field.
3. Set the Type to Multi-Select.
4. In the List/Record select any custom record list.
5. Set the Store Value to check.
6. Select in the Applies To tab where the field will be applied to. (ex: Customer).
7. In the Access tab, set the Default Access Level to View and Default Level for Search/Reporting to Edit.
8. In the Role subtab, add Administrator and set the level of access to Edit for Access Level and Level for Search/Reporting.
9. Click Save.
10. Log in to non-Administrator role (custom role).
11. Pull up any customer record.
12. Edit the record, then select any value from custom field created.
13. Click Save.
14. Click the value (link) in the custom field to direct in the custom record.
15. Directed to Request for invalid URL: /app/common/entity/'/app/common/custom/

Add the role in the custom field under Role tab and set Edit level for Access Level and Level for Search/Reporting.

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