Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How to remove an item in the Bin Putaway worksheet page that shows zero in the quantity column?


This happens to an item with Unit of Measure assigned where the quantity is fractional when converted to the base unit. To remove the item from the bin putaway worksheet, we need to somehow save the bin putaway worksheet for the fractional quantity in base unit. 

Here are the steps:

1. Edit the item record, change Stock Units to the base unit, click Save. Please note that this will change the quantity on hand to base unit. After we save the bin putaway worksheet, we can set it back to the original setting

2. Go to Transactions > Inventory > Bin Putaway Worksheet. Select the location when Multiple Inventory Location is enabled

3. Enter the bin number in the Bin Number or Inventroy Detailed column, though if you have a preferred bin, you will notice that the preferred bin will show in the Bin Number or Inventory Detailed column and the quantity will show the fractional quantity (e.g. 0.0000004)

4. Click Save.

Once the bin putaway worksheet is saved, go back to the item record, the location and bin show the same quantity. Edit the item record and set Stock Units back to its original setting. The item no longer shows in the bin putaway worksheet page.


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