Friday, December 21, 2018

How to set Customers as Private but only Administrators can view Private Customers

To mark some customer records as Private that would only be visible to the Administrator role.


There is no feature in NetSuite that lets you set Customer Records to private or restricted to Administrators only. This can only be done through a script or workflow:

1. Create a custom field (checkbox) on the Customer Record to mark it as Private
2. Create a workflow that will throw an error to non-admin users

-This workflow has two conditions. One is that if the checkbox is set to "Yes/True" and the Role of the person viewing the record is set to "Administrator" then that person can view the Customer record.
-If both conditions are not met, the user who is trying to view the record will receive an error.

Note that this will limit the ability to open/view the record but if they go to List, these records will still come up. Like if they go to List > Relationship > Customers, the Customer record will still be listed. They will only get the error if they try to view the actual customer record.


1. Will the Customer record show up on Global Search?
2. Is it necessary to specify the Role or could it be for specific Employees?

When you setup the workflow or script to set a record to private, the Customer record is still searchable, it will show up on the Global Search, and will come up on list. The only difference is that when other people try to access it, they will get an error that they do not have the permission to view the record.

As for specifying who can view the records, it can be specific people or Role.

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