Friday, December 7, 2018

Find Purchase Orders where the name on the Employee field is different than the employee who created the purchase order

To find the Purchase Orders where the name on the employee field is different than the employee who created the purchase order, create a purchase order saved search through the following steps:

1. Go to Reports>Saved Searches>All Saved Searches>New

2. Select Transaction

3. Under Criteria subtab, select Type = Purchase Order

Depending on the scenario below, set additional criteria as:

A. If using auto-generated numbers for employee records, add the following:    Filter = Formula (Text)

    Formula = case when {requestor.entityid}||' '||{requestor.altname} = {createdby} then 1 else 0 end

    Description = is 0

B. If not using auto-generated numbers for employee records, use the following:

    Filter = Formula (Text)

    Formula = case when {createdby} = {requestor.entityid} then 1 else 0 end

    Description = is 0


* To check if using auto-generated numbers for employee records, go to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers > Entities tab.

* Add the above filters to other criteria fields as deemed necessary.


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