has been selected (Subsidiary A) on how the system arrive with the computation.
1. Navigate to Reports>Financial>Cash Flow Statement
2. Click on Customize button
3. Click on Edit Columns
- From Financial folder>Add Amount (Current Rate)
- From Financial folder>Add Translation Adjustment
4. Click on Preview
5. Set the Period from (e.g. Jan 2012 to Jun 2012); Subsidiary Context to Parent Company (Consolidated); Columns = Subsidiary
6. Click on Refresh button
7. Look for Subsidiary A
- Notice that the Translation Adjustment column shows the details of where the amount came from the difference between Amount and Amount (Current) = Total Effect of Exchange Rate on Cash
To compute for Amount8. Set the Subsidiary Context to Subsidiary A
9. Set the Column to Accounting Period>Click Refresh then Export to Excel
10. Get the appropriate consolidated exchange rate for Amount column (this will be per period)
- In order to get the rate that will be used - Go to Lists>Accounting>Consolidated Exchange Rates
- Set the Subsidiary From Subsidiary Subsidiary A To Subsidiary Parent Company
- Set the appropriate period
* To know what is the appropriate consolidated exchange rate, Go to Lists>Accounting>Accounts>click Edit on the particular account and check Cash Flow Rate Type
11. On the Excel Sheet>Add Two Columns for Every Period
- Column 1 will be for Rate for the Period - paste the consolidated exchange rate on this column
- Column 2 will be for Amount for the Period - create a formula to multiply the local amount by column 1 which is the consolidated exchange rate
12. Follow the above steps until all accounts have been calculated
13. Do this for all the periods
14. On the very last column - add all Column 2 which is the Amount for the Period
To compute for Amount (Current Rate)
- Create another excel sheet and copy the Account and Amount of Local Currency
- Add two more columns
--- Column 1 - Current Rate of last period (e.g. June 2012)
--- Column 2 - Product of Amount Local Currency and Column 2 (this will be the Amount Current Rate)
15. Compare Amount for the Period and Amount Current Rate - the difference will be the Translation Adjustment which matched the Effect of Exchange Rate on Cash
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