Steps to create a Workflow that will assign a default Tax Schedule on Item Records.
1. Create a Workflow to change values
- Navigate to Customization > Scripting> Workflows> New.
- Provide Name "Default Tax Schedule Items"
- Set Record Type = Items
- Set Sub Types = Inventory Part
- Set Execute as Admin = T
- Set Release Status = Released/Testing
* Under Initiation
a. On Create = T
b. On Update = T
c. Trigger Type = Before Record Load
d. Event Type = Create and Edit
- Click on Save
2. Create State
- Click on the New State button
- Provide Name "Default Tax Code"
- Hit Save
3. Create Action
- Click on the State created
- Click on New Action button
- Click on Set Field Value
- Set Trigger On = Entry
- Set Event Type = Create and Edit
* On the Parameters section:
- Set Field = Tax Schedule
- Put a checkmark on the Static Value radio button
- Selection = Your Preferred Tax Schedule
- Click on Save
Note: This is an alternate Solution for Enhancement 155253 - Ability to set default purchase/ sales tax codes and tax schedule when entering item records".
Nice one