This article gives examples on using some common string functions that can be used for NetSuite search formulas via UI or script,
and custom formula fields.
REPLACE : Replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters.
Syntax: REPLACE(char, search_string[, replacement_string ])
REPLACE('123123test', '123'); would return 'test'
REPLACE('123test123', '123'); would return 'test'
REPLACE('222test', '2', '3'); would return '333test'
REPLACE('0000123', '0'); would return '123'
REPLACE('0000123', '0', ' '); would return ' 123'
SUBSTR : Extract a substring from a string
Syntax : { SUBSTR | SUBSTRB | SUBSTRC | SUBSTR2 | SUBSTR4}(char, position [, substring_length ])
Note: Parameter 'position' can be a negative number, this will start from the end of the string and counts backwards.
SUBSTR('This is a test', 6, 2) //returns 'is'
SUBSTR('This is a test', 6) //returns 'is a test'
SUBSTR('TheFoxIsBrown', 1, 3) //returns 'The'
SUBSTR('TheFoxIsBrown', 4, 3) //returns 'Fox'
SUBSTR('TheFoxIsBrown', -5, 5) //returns 'Brown'
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