Friday, November 9, 2018

Use a Custom Default Hosting Root Directory for Reference Checkout

Applicable to Reference Checkout 2.03.1 Bundle ID 59236

By default, after installing the Reference Checkout 2.03 bundle,the source files and folders are added to the Live Hosting Files rootdirectory. The Custom Checkout and Reference Checkout SSPApplication records are also pointing to the Live Hosting Files rootdirectory.
Here are the steps to implement and deploy the Reference Checkout 2.03bundle on Web Stores that use a custom Web Site Default Hosting Root(not the Live Hosting Files directory):


I. Set the Hosting Root for the Domainand Web Site Setup Page:

1. Navigate to Setup > Site Builder> SetUp Web Site > Setup tab,set Default Hosting Root to a custom Root directory (not Live Hosting Files)
2. If there is a custom domain, navigate to Setup > Site Builder> Domains,set the Domain to the same HTML Hosting Root from step 1.

II. Install the Reference Checkout2.03 Bundle:

Install the Reference Checkout 2.03 bundleby navigating to Customization > Search and Install Bundles > searchfor Reference Checkout or 59236 > Select Reference Checkout > click Install

III. Create the SSP Application record,Copy the Files, set the Touch points and deploy to Site

1. Create an SSP record withApplication Folder pointing to custom Default hosting root
a. Navigate to Setup > Site Builder> SSP Applications > New
b. Fill-out the following fields:
       Name = MainSiteSSP
       Application Folder > Click New
       HTML Hosting Root = custom Defaulthosting root
       Publisher = MainSiteSSPPublisher
       Application Name = fill-out asdesired

2. Copy all Reference Cart/Checkoutfiles to SSP Application folder 
a. Navigate to Documents > Files > File Cabinet
b. Select Web Site Hosting Files> Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. > Reference Checkout
c. Click Copy Files then Mark All except for the js and templates folder
d. Select the custom SSP Application folder from the custom Default HostingRoot
e. Click Copy

3. Create the js and templates folderin the custom SSP Application folder
     a. Create the js folder
        a.1. Navigate to Documents > Files > File Cabinet
        a. 2. Select Web Site Hosting Files > CustomWebsite Default Hosting Root >SSPApplications>SSP Application Publisher>CustomSSP Application
        a. 3. Click New Folder and set the following:
             FolderName: js
            Sub-Folder of: choose the SSP Application Name
             Type: SuiteCommerceAdvanced Site Templates

     b. Create thetemplates folder.
           b.1. Navigate to Documents > Files > File Cabinet
           b.2. Select Web Site Hosting Files > Custom Website Default Hosting Root>SSP Applications>SSP Application Publisher>Custom SSP Application
           b.3.Click New Folder and set thefollowing:

                Folder Name: templates
                Sub-Folder of: choose the SSP Application Name
                Type: SuiteCommerce Advanced Site Templates

Note: This is done so that the Tags in the js andtemplates folder of the Reference Checkout folder will be copied to the js andtemplates folder of the custom SSP Application in the custom Default HostingRoot accordingly.

      c. Copy the js and templates files from the Reference Cart/Checkout to the jsand templates folder you created in Step a and b.
            c.1. Select Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. > Reference Checkout
            c.2. Click Copy Files and mark the js and templates folder
            c.3. Selectthe custom SSP Application folder from the custom Default Hosting Root
            c.4. OverwriteFiles with Same Name = T then click Copy

4. Set the touch points on the SSPapplication record, and then Deploy to Site
a. Navigate to Setup > SiteBuilder> SSP Applications, click Edit on the SSP Application record
b. Add the underscore.js, backbone.validation.js, commons.js, backend.configuration.js, and Models.jsin Scripts > Libraries
c. Set the touch points for Login/Register, View Cart, Proceed to Checkout
d. Save and Link to Site
e. Select the correct Site, and then click Save

5. Verify that touch points are set bynavigating to Setup > Site Builder > Set Up Web Site > TouchPoints tab

6. Verify that touch points areoperational

Note: Theabove steps had to be done, prior to making any customization on anytemplates/source files on the Reference Checkout folder.

There will be instances when the Reference Cart renders a blank page after performingthe steps above. When this happens check the template folder and see if the combined-xxxxxxxxxxxx.js file is showing the current date andtime in the Last Modifiedcolumn. If it is not showing the current date and time, Edit any .txt file in the templates folder and click on Save without making any changes. This willforce the system to update the combined-xxxxxxxxxxxx.js file. View the contents of the templates folder again to confirm that the combined-xxxxxxxxxxxx.js file was indeed updated.


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