Thursday, November 8, 2018

Use Credit Hold, On Credit Hold, Override Credit Hold Off, and Override Credit Hold On in Customer Saved Searches


Credit Hold will pull what is selected in the Hold field which is located in the Customer Record > Financial tab.  The field will return any of the following : Auto, On, Off.

On Credit Hold will return the information if the customer is currently on Credit Hold or not.  It will return Yes or No. 

-To determine the reason for the credit hold, you may want to add the following fields in the Results tab of your search - Override Credit Hold On or Credit Hold, Credit Limit, Balance, Overdue Balance, Days Overdue, Consolidated Balance, Consolidated Overdue Balance, and Consolidated Days Overdue.

Override Credit Hold Off will return the information whether you have set the Hold field in the Customer Record > Financial tab to Off. It will return Yes or No.

-Selecting Off in the Hold field of the customer record will manually remove the credit hold on the customer. 

Override Credit Hold On will return the information whether you have set the Hold field in the Customer Record > Financial tab to On.  It will return Yes or No.

-Selecting On in the Hold field of the customer record will manually apply a credit hold on the customer.

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