Sunday, November 4, 2018

Transactions > Purchases > existing Purchase Order still have status of Pending Billing even if all items are Billed

When a line item is removed on the Bill, it automatically reduce the line items billed from the purchase order.  Adding or Inserting back the same item is considered billing an item not included on the Purchase Order.


Steps to Reproduce the cause:

1.  Transactions > Purchases > Enter Purchase Order

2.  Select Vendor and input 3 line items with quantity and amount.

3.  Save, Receive, then Bill

4.  On the Bill page, remove the 2nd line item

5.  On the line next from the last item listed, input the item removed with the same quantity and amount.

6.  Save.

7.  Check back the status of the Purchase Order

Actual Result:  The status would still be Pending Billing.

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