Saturday, November 17, 2018

Show Customer’s Related Transactions When Searching Customer Name Using Global Search

For estimate form, user can use the Title{title} field so that the estimate will show up on Global Search using customer name as the keyword. Simply enter the company name on the Title field.

For other transactions like sales order, user can add custom transaction body field under:
1. Navigate to  Customization > Lists, Records & Fields Transaction Body Fields >
2. Set Type=Free-Form Text, Store Value & Global Search=True.
3. Select the transaction type under Applies To tab.
4. On Sourcing & Filtering tab; Source List=Customer; Source From=Company Name.

Note: User needs to re-select the Customer Name on existing transactions to auto-populate the value on the custom field. If this is not preferrable, then they may create a Free-Form Text type of transaction body field and simply enter the company name. Please see related enhancement under Issue 165295.

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