Saturday, November 3, 2018

Saved Search to Show Territory field of the Customer Record

Currently, it is not possible to expose Sales Territory in the Sales Order Pending Fulfillment Report and Sales Back Order Report. This is still logged as Enhancement 171558 - Reports > New Reports > Sales. Please add the "Sales Territory" as an independent report component to other report metrics/types like Transactions, Sales and Bookings.

As an alternate solution, the user may create saved searches for these by following the steps below:

A. For Saved Search version of Sales Order Pending Fulfillment Report.

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Transaction.

2. Under Criteria tab> Standard sub tab> Filter, set the following:

   Type = Sales Order

   Status = Sales Order: Pending Fulfillment, Partially Fulfilled, Pending Billing Partially Fulfilled.

   Customer (Main Line) Fields = Territory: Select the territory that you want to use as filter

   Main Line = True

3. Under Results tab> Columns sub tab> Field, add/remove fields depending on your preference then add:

   Customer (Main Line) Fields = Territory

4. Rename the Search Title > Click Save and Run.

B. For Saved Search version of Sales Back Order Report

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Transaction.

2. Under Criteria tab> Standard sub tab> Filter, set the following:

   Type = Sales Order

   Formula (Numeric) = greater than or equal to 1

   Formula = {quantity}-nvl({quantityshiprecv},0)-nvl({quantitycommitted},0):

Since Backordered field in the Sales Order is not an available field, there is a need to create a formula that will serve as substitute.

   Customer (Main Line) Fields = Territory: Select the territory that you want to use as filter

3. Under Results tab> Columns sub tab> Field, add/remove depending on your preference then add:

   Customer (Main Line) Fields = Territory

   Formula (Numeric) = {quantity}-nvl({quantityshiprecv},0)-nvl({quantitycommitted},0)

4. Rename the Search Title > Click Save and Run.


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