Thursday, November 8, 2018

Saved Search to Show Breakdown of Applied Amount of Customer Payment

To create a saved search which would show the applied amount of customer payment and the breakdown of its application, users can perform the following steps:


1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New

2. Click Transaction


3. Enter a Search Title


4. In the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, add the following filters:
• Type = Payment
• Main Line = False
• Account Type = Accounts Receivable

5. In the Results tab > Columns subtab, add the following fields:
Amount (Transaction Total)
Amount Paid  |  Custom Label = Applied Amount
Applied To Transaction
Applied to Link Amount

To also show the unapplied amount, add

Amount Remaining | Custom Label = Unapplied Amount


6. Click Preview or Save the search.


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