Sunday, November 11, 2018

Saved Search that will show a List of Item Receipt with Standard Cost and Purchase Price Variance


Create aSaved Search that will show a list of item receipt with Standard Costand Purchase Price Variance


1. Go to Lists> Search > Saved Searches > New

2. SelectTransaction

3. On theCriteria tab > Standard subtab set the following filters

  • Type | is ItemReceipt

4. On theResults tab, click Remove All and add the following Fields with Summary Field:

  • Date | Summary Type: Group

  • Number |Summary Type: Group | CustomLabel: Item Receipt Number

  • Created from | Summary Type: Group | Custom Label: PO Number

  • Name | Summary Type: Group | Custom Label: Vendor Name

  • Quantity | Summary Type: Maximum | Custom Label: QTY Received

  • Cost Component Standard Cost | SummaryType: Maximum | Custom Label: StandardCost

  • Cost Component Amount | SummaryType: Maximum | Custom Label: StandardAmount Received

  • Applied to Transaction Fields… : Item Rate | Summary Type: Maximum | CustomLabel: PO Rate

  • Formula(Numeric) | Summary Type: Minimum| Formula:(max({quantity})*max({appliedtotransaction.rate})) | Custom Label: Actual Total Amount Received

  • Formula(Numeric) | Summary Type: Sum |Formula:(max({costcomponentamount})-(max({quantity})*max({appliedtotransaction.rate})))| Custom Label: Purchase PriceVariance

5. Onthe Results tab > Consolidated Exchange Rate = None

6. Click Save & Run.



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