Saturday, November 10, 2018

Saved Search of Customer Records created within the Year which Includes Information on the Transaction Number, Date and Gross Amount of the First Sale Recorded for Each Customer.



1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New

2. Select Search Type = Customer

3. Navigate to Criteria tab > Standard subtab > In the Filter column, add the following fields:

   a. Date Created = is within this fiscal year

   b. Transaction Fields…>Posting = is true

   c. Transaction Fields…>Account Type = is Income

   d. Formula (Numeric) | greater than or equal to = 1


Formula: case when to_char({transaction.trandate}, 'mm/dd/yyyy') =  to_char({firstsaledate}, 'mm/dd/yyyy') then 1 else 0 end


4. Navigate to Results tab > Columns subtab > In the Field column, add the following fields:

   a. Name | Summary Type:  Group

   b. Date of First Sale | Summary Type:  Group

   c. Formula (Text) | Summary Type:  Minimum|


Formula: case when to_char({transaction.trandate}, 'mm/dd/yyyy') =  to_char({firstsaledate},    'mm/dd/yyyy') then {transaction.type} || ' ' || {transaction.number} else null end    

   Custom Label: Transaction Number


   d. Transaction Fields…>Amount (Gross) | Summary Type:  Sum | Custom Label: Amount (Gross) | Summary Label: Amount (Gross)


5. Hit Save & Run button.

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