Sunday, November 4, 2018

Restrict Roles from Creating Records using Workflow

On the Help Guide, these are the Permission Levels that could be set on a Role for a record:

 CREATE - User can create new and view existing files.
 EDIT - User has access to create new, view existing, and edit existing files. The user cannot delete existing files.
 FULL - User has access to create new files and view, edit, and delete existing files.

Thus, having the EDIT only mode is still an Enhancement and this is filed under Issue# 80667- " Ability to have the "edit" permission without having the create permission on a record within NetSuite"

This can be done via script by restricting a User's action on beforeLoad of via Workflow.

Here are the steps to achieve this:

1. Navigate to  Customization > Workflow > Workflows > New

2. Enter the following fields:

a. Record Type: (Record you want to restrict)

b. Sub Type : (Record you want to restrict)

c. Release Status : Released

d. Event Based: On Create

e. Trigger Type : Before Record Load

3. Click Save.
4. Click New Action.
5. Choose Return User Error Type.
6. Enter the following fields:
a. Trigger On : Entry
b. Event Type : Create
c. Condition : Not User Role = Administrator
d. Parameter Text: Action not allowed', 'Your role is not permitted to Add this type of Record.
7. Click Save.

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