Thursday, November 1, 2018

Purchase Order pulls up the Default Tax Code instead of the Purchase Tax Code on the Item Record

Tax lookup in NetSuite is driven by the Ship To address if no Tax Item is selected on the customer or vendor records.

When entering a Purchase Order for a vendor in the UK the system pulls up the Default Tax Code in Setup > Accounting > Set Up Taxes > United Kingdom tab instead of the Purchase Tax Code set on the item record. To correct, open the vendor record, check the addresses listed in Address tab and make sure that one is marked as Default Shipping. For UK edition, the tax lookup on purchase transaction is based on the default shipping of the vendor record.

If a tax code is set in Setup > Accounting > Set Up Taxes > United Kingdom > Tax Code for International Sale, this will be pulled up from the purchase transaction instead of the Default Shipping. This is true if there is no default shipping set on the Vendor Record.


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