Wednesday, November 7, 2018

One World> Custom Role Unable to Choose Subsidiary when Creating New Customer Record

This applies in OneWorld, wherein Custom Roles were only given limited access to Subsidiaries (under Setup>Users/Roles>Manage Roles>Edit Role>choose in the Subsidiaries field). When creating a new Customer Record using a Custom Role, sometimes you cannot select a Subsidiary in the dropdown eventhough you were given the proper access/permission to a specific Subsidiary. In this case you may check the Subsidiary settings under Setup>Company>Subsidiaries>Edit a Subsidiary. In the setup, you will see an Elimination checkbox. If this is checked, the Subsidiary can only be used for transactions only and not for entity records (See the topic Understanding Elimination Subsidiaries)

Therefore, if the Elimination box was checked despite the proper access given to a Custom Role it would not see the Subsidiary in the dropdown whenever one creates a New Entity Record.

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