Thursday, November 1, 2018

Employee name does not default on the Employee Name field of the Purchase Order form

When a user login to a role and create a purchase order - the Employee Name field on the Purchase Order form when employee name is not selected is left blank even after saving the Purchase Order.

This is currently an Enhancement per Enhancement#97543 - Employee Field Does Not Default to Logged in Employee on Purchase Order Form.

Alternate Solution:

1. Customize the Purchase Order form
2. Click on Screen Fields tab>Main subtab
3. Look for Employee field - check Mandatory box
4. Click Save

User will be required to enter the name of the employee before saving the purchase order form.

Alternate Solution is to create the purchase order/request under Employee Center role (per Help Topic: Using the Approval Routing Feature)

Important: Once approval routing is set up, all expense reports and purchase requests must be entered through the Employee Center to maintain the hierarchy of approval routing. This includes employees with other roles.


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