Sunday, November 4, 2018

Display Contact Name without the Company Name as Prefix on Transaction

Create a custom contact field:

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields Transaction Body Fields > New.
2. Enter a name on the Label field.
3. Set the Type to List/Record.
4. Select Contact in the List/Record field.
5. Check the Sale check box on the Applies To tab.
6. Click on the Sourcing & Filtering tab.
7. Select Company under Filter Using column.
8. Compare Type should be equal.
9. Compare to Field should be Entity.
10. Click Save.

When users select contact from this custom field, the contact name is prefixed with Customer Name/ID. To remove the prefix, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields Transaction Body Fields > New.
2. Enter a name on the Label field.
3. Set the Type as Free form text.
4. Check the Sale check box on the Applies To tab.
5. Uncheck the Store Value check box.
6. Click the Validation & Defaulting tab.
7. Set the Default Value to: SUBSTR({id of custom field created in A}, (to_number(INSTR({id of custom field created in A}, ':', -1))+2))
8. Click Save.


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