Friday, November 23, 2018

Disable Custom Record DLE only for certain Roles

There is a setting within the custom record that handles Direct List Editing (DLE). However. Allow Inline Editing only works for Sublist.

As per Field Level Help - 

Check this box to allow records of this type to be edited directly when they display in a sublist on a parent record.

Enabling this option does not control whether records of this type can be direct list edited in their own list pages and views. This option is not related to the Direct List Editing feature or to the Inline Editing buttons that display on list pages when the feature is enabled.

Since the goal is to restrict certain role in doing direct list editing, then an option is to create two forms for each role.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields Record Types.
2. Edit the Record Type.
3. Navigate to Forms Tab.
4. Edit the Preferred Form.
5. Set Enable Field Editing on Lists = T.
6. Under Role subtab Assign Role #1.
7. Save. 

Then create another form by doing a Save As:

1. Edit the Form.
2. Set Enable Field Editing on Lists = F.
3. Under Role subtabAssign Role #2.
4. Save. 

This means when Role #1  logs in and pull up the custom record list, the user is able to DLE, but when Role #2 accesses the same custom record list, DLE is not available.

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