Friday, November 16, 2018

CyberSource Error Reason Code 150 when processing credit card transactions/authorizations

In the Merchant Transaction Results for CyberSource, Error Reason Code 150 states the following:

Error: General system failure.
See the documentation for your CyberSource client (SDK) for information about how to handle retries in the case of system errors.


Cause & Possible Action:


1)      No response received from CyberSource after few seconds. Possible action is to resubmit request after few minutes.


2)      The mode set up in CyberSource is not the same with the credit card processing profile set up in Setup > Accounting > Payment Processing Profiles.  If the account is already set up for Live mode in CyberSource, but Test Mode = T in NetSuite, or vice-versa, user will get this error. Make sure that both settings are the same for CyberSource and NetSuite to avoid this error message.


Note: If the customer is testing in Release Preview Account or Sandbox Account, there is no need to synchronize the setting in CyberSource Account.


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