Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Custom Center Tab Missing when Using a Custom Role

Perform the following steps in creating the Center Tab:

1. Navigate to Customization > Centers and TabsCenter Tabs > New
  • NAME = Enter a name for the tab
  • CENTER = [Any Center] Accounting Center
  • Content > Categories = Vendor Bills 
2. Click Save
3. Edit the Category name.
4. Add a Link > Add Bills [or any other link that the role has an access to]
5. On the Audience tab > Role = [select any role] Jr Accountant
6. Click Save
7. Log in using Jr Accountant Role

Notice that the custom Center Tab does not appear. Try clearing cache and cookies. If the problem is still encountered , navigate to Home > Set Preferences > Appearance > Set the Use Classic Interface = F > Save.

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