Thursday, November 8, 2018

Create a Target Group with Random Recipients for an Email Campaign

For the list of recipients or targets, these records usually do not have anything in common that can be used as a search criteria.

If the target is emailed once, a custom field needs to be created for the target recipients and have it flagged.

I. To create the custom field to flag the target entity records that do not have common factor for search criteria:

   1.  Navigate to
Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Entity fields > New

   2.  Enter Label = Target group (or any desired name)

   3. Type : Check box

   4. Store Value = T

   5. Applies To tab = select Customer

   6. Display tab > Subtab field > select

   7. Save

II. Next step is to update the field on each entity records via CSV Import:

   1. Navigate to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records

   2. Import Type : Relationships

   3. Record Type = e.g. Customers Only

   4. CSV File(s) select the file to upload > click the Next button

   5. Data Handling = Update then click the Next button

   6. Map only the
Internal ID

   7. Select the custom field created in Step I and set the value to T

   8. T = Target Group

   9. Select Target Group from NetSuite fields > Click the pencil icon > Select (T, true, yes, check)

   10. Continue with the CSV Import

Save and Run

III. Proceed to create the saved search:

Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New

   2. Select Customer from the list of search type.

   3. Give search name

   4. Criteria tab > add Filter > Target Group = T

   5. Save

IV. Create a group for the email campaign target

   1. Lists > Relationships > Groups > New

   2. Select Dynamic

   3. Select Customer
   4. Select the search created in Step III.

   5. Save

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