Sunday, November 4, 2018

Create a Search that Pulls up Sub Customers / Child Customers that has a Different Subsidiary from the Subsidiary Set on the Parent Customer

1.       Navigate to Reports> Saved Searches> All Saved Searches> New

2.       Select Customer as search type

3.       Assign a name on the Search Title field

4.       On the Criteria tab> Standard sub tab> Filter column, set the following:

a.       Parent Customer Fields…> Name/ID is not empty

b.      Formula (Text)> set the following formula:

Case when {subsidiary}={parentcustomer.subsidiary} then ' Same Subsidiary'else 'Different Subsidiary'end


Set Formula (Text) is Different Subsidiary


5.       On the Results tab> Column subtab> add the following:

a.       ID

b.      Name and type in 'Sub Customer Name' in the Custom Label column

c.       Currency and type in 'Sub Customer Currency' in the Custom Label column

d.      Subsidiary and type in 'Sub Customer Subsidiary' in the Custom Label column

e.      Parent Customer fields…> Name and type in 'Parent Customer Name' in the Custom Label column

f.        Parent Customer fields…> Currency and type in 'Parent Customer Currency' in the Custom Label column

g.       Parent Customer fields…> Subsidiary and type in 'Parent Customer Subsidiary' in the Custom Label column

h.      Formula (Text) and copy-paste the formula below:

Case when {subsidiary}={parentcustomer.subsidiary} then ' Same Subsidiary'else 'Different Subsidiary'end

6.       Save & Run


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