Saturday, November 10, 2018

Create a Saved Search to Display Average Monthly Sales and Average Monthly Quantity Sold on a Year

To create the saved search, please follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New > Transaction.

2. Under Criteria tab > Standard subtab > Add the following filters:
    **Type is Invoices, Cash Sales, Credit Memos, Cash Refund, Customer Refund
    **Main Line is No
    **Quantity is not 0 (zero)
    **Shipping Line is No
    **Tax Line is No

3. Under the Results tab > Do the following:
    **On the Date column > Set Summary Type to Group > Set Function to Year
    **On the Amount column > Set Summary Type to Sum
    **Add a Formula (Currency) column > Set Summary Type to Sum > Under Formula field enter this formula:

    **Add the Quantity column > Set Summary Type to Sum
    **Add another Formula (Currency) column > Set Summary Type to Sum > Under Formula field enter this formula:

4. Save & Run.

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