Friday, November 2, 2018

Company Logo is not Printed on the Picking Ticket Form

Symptoms/Details of Business Requirements/Any AdditionalInformation:

• The user is using OneWorld NetSuite account with theSubsidiary field made available on Sales Order forms.

• Logo file is uploaded under Setup > Company >Company Information.

• Logo file is uploaded under Setup > Company > Locations.

• The "Print/Email" checkbox is marked for Company Logo fieldon the Preferred Picking Ticket form under Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms > Type = Picking Ticket.



For OneWorld instance account, the logo image file needs to be set on the Subsidiary page to include it on the printed Picking Ticket form.  The user must perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.

2. Click Edit next to the Subsidiary selected on the Sales Order.

3. Select the logo image file in the Subsidiary Logo (Forms)field.

4. Select also the logo image file in the Subsidiary Logo (Pages) to display the logo onall pages for the Subsidiary.

5. Click Save.

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