Sunday, November 4, 2018

Apply Employee Restrictions to Custom Records

User would like to see Custom Record entries that belong to their customers only. Role has Employee Restrictions = own and subordinates only.

Custom Record is not automatically covered by Role restriction. Users have to create a custom field that has List/Record equal to Employees and mark the checkbox Apply Role Restrictions.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsRecord Types.
2. Edit the Custom Record.
3. Click on New Field.
4. Enter Name.
5. Type = List/Record.
6. List/Record = Employee.
7. Apply Role Restrictions = T.
8. Store Value = T.
9. Click Save.

Note: This is an alternate solution for Enhancement 96641. For more information, please read the SuiteAnswers article Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom RecordsAnswer Id: 10137.



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