Sunday, November 11, 2018

Add Merchant Defined Data Mapping in NetSuite for Cybersource

Steps to create a Merchant Defined Data Mapping in NetSuite:


1. Create a Transaction Body Field and add that to the sales form.

-- Navigate to Set Up > Customization > Transaction Body Fields > New.

-- Enter Label (e.g. Phone Number)

-- Type = Phone Number

-- Store Value = True

-- Applies To tab > Sale = Yes

-- Display tab > Subtab = Main

-- Sourcing & Filtering tab:

Source List = Customer

Source From = (e.g. Billing Phone)

-- Click Save and Apply to Forms.


Note: Changes will occur only on newly created sales transactions.


2. Set up CyberSource.

-- Navigate to Set Up > Accounting > Credit Card Processing.

-- Click Edit on CyberSource account.

-- Under Merchant Defined Data Mapping Tab.

-- Set the Custom field as one of your Merchant Defined Data Field.

-- Click Save.


3. To test a transaction.

-- Navigate to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Order.

-- Select a customer with a Phone Number.

-- Enter items.

-- Enter credit card information.

-- Mark Get Authorization = True.

-- Click Save.

-- Go to Payment tab > Payment Events subtab > click View.

-- Under the Raw Details section.

-- Verified that merchantDefinedData_field1 = Billing Phone is listed.


4. Log in to CyberSource portal, "merchantDefinedData_field1: Billing Phone" is displayed under "Additional Information" section of the Transaction. 


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