Saturday, November 24, 2018

Add a Custom Item Field to Sales / Pricing subtab on Item Forms


1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields Item Fields > New.
2. Enter a name in the Label field.
3. Set the correct Type.
4. Check the appropriate check box on the Applies To tab.
5. Click on the Display tab.
6. Click the Subtab field.

Result: The Sales / Pricing tab is not listed.

To resolve the problem, perform the following steps:

A. Create the item field:
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields Item Fields > New.
2. Enter a name in the Label field.
3. Set the correct Type.
4. Check the appropriate check box on the Applies To tab.
5. Click Save.

B. Edit the custom item form:
1. Navigate to Customization > FormsEntry Forms.
2. Edit the custom item form.
3. Click the Move Elements Between Subtabs button.
4. Click on the Custom tab.
5. Set the Select check box to Yes for the custom field created in step A.
6. Click the Subtab drop down to select Sales / Pricing.
7. Click Save.

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