Thursday, November 1, 2018

Add Currency Symbol on PDF Layout Base on Currency of Subsidiary

To add Currency Symbol on PDF Layout base on currency of the Subsidiary, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Other Record Fields.
2. Set the following:

        Record Type: Subsidiary
        Label: Provide Label (e.g. Currency Symbol)
        Type: Free-Form Text
        Store Value: Yes

3. Click Save and copy the ID of the created field (e.g. custrecord_ID).
4. Navigate to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.
5. Edit a Subsidiary.
6. Set the value for the custom field base on the currency of the subsidiary. For example, if the currency of the Subsidiary is US Dollars, set the value of the custom field to $.
7. Click Save.
8. Perform Steps# 5-7 for other subsidiaries.
9. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Form PDF Layouts.
10. Edit the Preferred Transaction Layout.
11. In the PDF Layout editor, click Add Custom Element.
12. Enter in the Element Text field the following tag:  {subsidiary.custrecord_ID}
    * The custrecord_ID is the ID copied in step 3.

13. Click OK.
14. Move the custom element to the desired position.
15. Click Save.

To test, print a sales form (e.g. Invoice) where the PDF layout is used to verify that currency symbol prints in the form.

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