Saturday, October 20, 2018

Value in the Custom Transaction Line Field not Saved in the Sales Order Generated from Estimate

The user with the Administrator role creates the Estimate transaction and fills up the custom Transaction Line field.


In the Access tab of the custom Transaction Line Field the Default Access Level is View.


Another user with a custom role creates the Sales Order transaction from the Estimate transaction created by the Administrator.


Clicking the Sales Order button on the Estimate transaction generates the Sales Order transaction record where the custom Transaction Line field is auto-filled with the same data when it was entered in the Estimate transaction. However, when the user with the custom role saved the Sales Order transaction the data on the custom Transaction Line Field is gone.


The role used to create the Sales Order transaction generated from the Estimate transaction should have Edit Access Level to the Transaction Line Field to retain the generated value after saving the Sales Order transaction.


Alternative Solution:

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Line Fields.

2. Edit the custom Transaction Line Field applied to Estimate and Sales Order transaction forms.

3. Click the Access tab and change the Access Level of the preferred role from View to Edit.

4. Click the Save.


1. The Estimate transaction is created by another user whose assigned role has Edit Access Level to the custom transaction line field.

2. The un-saved Sales Order transaction generated from the Estimate transaction retains the value on the custom transaction line field. However, the value on the custom transaction line field will not be retained if the role assigned to the user saving the Sales Order transaction does not have Edit Access Level to the custom field.


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