Thursday, October 25, 2018

Show Field Value of a Hidden Check Box Field

User created a check box CRM field which has a default value of T  that is hidden on one Case form. The user wants to know if the hidden field will still have a default value of T on a Saved Search

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Navigate to Customization > List, Record & Fields > CRM Fields > New.
2. Set the necessary information with the following:
  • Name = Check box ( user can set preferred label )
  • Type = Check Box
  • Applies to: Case = T
  • Display: Display = Hidden
  • Validation and Defaulting: Default Checked = T
  • Store Value = T

3. Save as case check box.
4. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Search > New.
5. Type = Case.
6. Navigate to Results > Columns.
7. Add case check box.
8. Click save and run.

Note : The value of the CRM field that has been set to hidden on the form will remain the same. The user can run a support Case Saved Search and the value is available as CRM field = T on the results.


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