Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Set Up Item Quantity Pricing Schedule per Vendor


To setup a Vendor record and the Item Record with a Quantity Pricing Schedule, perform the following steps:

1. Edit the Vendor record > click the Financial subtab > under Pricing Schedules subtab, click New Pricing Schedule button.
2. Enter a Name for the schedule.
3. Select a Base Discount and this defaults in percentage.
4. If you want to base the quantity on a unit of measure, select a Unit Type.
5. Check the Use Marginal Rates box if you want the quantity discounts in the schedule to be applied to each pricing bracket separately.
For example, a schedule offers no discount for the first 100 items sold and a 5% discount if more than 100 are sold. If 150 items are sold, the first 100 are at normal price, and the other fifty items are sold at 5% discount.
Leave this box clear if you want the discount to apply to all of the items sold.
6. In the Calculate Quantity Discounts field, choose how to determine the quantity for the purpose of pricing:
  *By Line Quantity - pricing is applied according to the quantity included in the line item.
  *By Overall Item Quantity - pricing is applied for all line items for the same item on a transaction.
  *By Overall Parent Quantity - pricing is applied for all items with the same parent item on the transaction. This can be useful for applying quantity pricing to matrix items.
  *By Overall Schedule Quantity - pricing is applied to all items that use the same pricing schedule that are included in the transaction.
7. In the Quantity and Discount fields enter the brackets for the schedule.
8. Click Save.
9. Edit one Child Matrix Item for update.
10. Under Basic tab of the item record, select the Vendor (name), Purchase Price and Schedule. This will make sure that the purchase price is for the specific item only and that the schedule will be applicable for this item.

For Example:
I. Items
---Parent Matrix Item = A
---Child Matrix Item = A.1
---Child Matrix Item = A.2

Vendor = Test Vendor

For example :

Child Matrix Item A.1 will be bought for $26.30 a piece but if you order 260 pieces and above, it would only be for $22.97 a piece.
Child Matrix Item A.2 will be bought for $33.05 but will only costs $28.72 if you buy 200 quantities and above.

II. Set 2 Quantity Pricing Schedules in the Vendor Record:
---1st Quantity Pricing Schedule: Base Price = 0.0%
Calculate Quantity Discounts = By Overall Parent Quantity
Quantity = 260 ; Discount = -12.67%
---2nd Quantity Pricing Schedule: Base Price = 0.0%
Calculate Quantity Discounts = By Overall Parent Quantity
Quantity = 200 ; Discount = -13.10%

III. Set the 2 Item Records as follows:
---Child Matrix Item A.1 record > Basic tab:
= Test Vendor
Purchase Price = $26.30
Schedule = 1st Quantity Pricing Schedule
---Child Matrix Item A.2 record > Basic tab:
Vendor = Test Vendor
Price Price = $33.05
Schedule = 2nd Quantity Pricing Schedule

In the Purchase Order, select first the vendor which was setup with a Pricing Schedule. Then, if Child Matrix Item A.1 is selected with 1 quantity, Rate  shows $26.30.
If quantity is changed to 260, Rate shows $22.97.
If for example both items (Child Matrix Item A.1 and Child Matrix Item A.2) are selected on a Purchase Order:
1. If 1 quantity is ordered for item Child Matrix Item A.1, Rate shows $26.30. On the next line item Child Matrix Item A.2 is ordered with 1 quantity as well, Rate shows $33.05.
2. If 260 quantities are ordered for Child Matrix Item A.1, Rate shows $22.97. On the next line item Child Matrix Item A.2 is ordered with 1 quantity, Rate shows $28.72.

Note: Update Item Records to add a specific Schedule via CSV Import and that is through Vendor Item Records fields.

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