Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Print on Picking Ticket and Print on Packing Slip Behaviour

The system will follow the Form Level Settings for Custom Picking Ticket/Custom Packing Slip > Printing Fields and will override the Custom Field Settings when deciding if they should be printed.

To test:

1. Navigate to Customization > FormsTransaction Forms > Set the Standard Picking Ticket as Preferred > Click Submit.
2. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsTransaction Body Fields > Edit the Transaction Body Field (eg. Test Field) > Applies To = Sale; Print on Picking Ticket = T
3. Pull up a Sales Order > make sure Test Field = XYZ (or any value)
4. Hover to the Print Icon > Click on Print Picking Ticket

Actual Result: Test Field will be printed

5. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields Transaction Body Fields > Edit the Transaction Body Field (eg. Test Field) > Applies To = Sale; Print on Picking Ticket = F
6. Pull up a Sales Order > make sure Test Field = XYZ (or any value)
7. Hover to the Print Icon > Click on Print Picking Ticket

Actual Result: Test field will not be printed

This is the same behavior in Item Fulfillment and Packing Slip.

On the other hand, if a Custom Picking Ticket or Custom Packing Slip is set as preferred, the system will follow the Printing Fields settings. Meaning, even if the Print on Picking Ticket = T, but on the Custom Picking Ticket form, the Test Field is set to Print/Email = F, the transaction will not print the custom field as it follows the Custom Form settings.

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