For field level help of Vendor Name/Code at the item level, the vendor's name for this item prints in the Item column of purchase forms. If the user does not enter a vendor name, the item name prints in the Item column of purchase forms.
- If the item doesn't have a Display Name/Code AND Vendor Code, the Item Name/Number prints.
- If the item has a Display Name/Code there is no Vendor Code assigned, the Display Name/Code prints.
- If the item has a Vendor Code, the vendor code prints. Vendor Code supersedes Display Name/Code.
Below are the steps on how print item name/number in the item column even when there's vendor name for this item.
I. Create a custom transaction line field.
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Line Fields > New
2. Enter a label.
3. Type= Free Form Text
4. Store Value=F
5. Applies to= Purchase
6. On the Sourcing and Filtering, use the options below:
• Source List= Item
• Source From= Name
7. Click Save
II. Set custom field created above to print on the Purchase Order form.
1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.
2. Edit Purchase Order form (preferred).
3. On Printing Fields tab, click Columns subtab.
4. Set the custom field created above to print.
5. Click Save
Thank you VERY MUCH. This short/sweet/to the point answer was just what I needed.