Saturday, October 20, 2018

Print Item Name/Number in the Item column even when there is Vendor Name for the Item

For field level help of Vendor Name/Code at the item level, the vendor's name for this item prints in the Item column of purchase forms.  If the user does not enter a vendor name, the item name prints in the Item column of purchase forms.

  • If the item doesn't have a Display Name/Code AND Vendor Code, the Item Name/Number prints.
  • If the item has a Display Name/Code there is no Vendor Code assigned, the Display Name/Code prints.
  • If the item has a Vendor Code, the vendor code prints. Vendor Code supersedes Display Name/Code.

Below are the steps on how print item name/number in the item column even when there's vendor name for this item.

I. Create a custom transaction line field.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Line Fields > New

2. Enter a label.

3. Type= Free Form Text

4. Store Value=F

5. Applies to= Purchase

6. On the Sourcing and Filtering, use the options below:

            Source List= Item

            Source From= Name

7. Click Save


II. Set custom field created above to print on the Purchase Order form.

1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

2. Edit Purchase Order form (preferred).

3. On Printing Fields tab, click Columns subtab.

4. Set the custom field created above to print.

5. Click Save

1 comment:

  1. Thank you VERY MUCH. This short/sweet/to the point answer was just what I needed.
