Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Prevent user from updating the Tax column on Sales Forms

Administrator wants to prevent user from updating the Tax column on sales form (e.g. Estimate). Administrator, created a custom form with the following setup:

Screen Fields tab > Items subtab:

Taxable --> Display Type: Inline Text
Tax --> Display Type: Inline Text
Tax % --> Display Type: Inline Text

Sublist Fields tab:

Tax --> Show = F

With this setup, the Tax field does not show in the totaling box and no tax is computed for the order.

To resolve this problem, perform the following steps:

Note: This will only work when Advanced Taxes Feature is not enabled and Per-Line Taxes on Transactions is not enabled.

1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

2. Edit the Transaction Form.

3. Click the Sublist Fields tab.

4. Locate the Tax field.

5. Delete the Label.

6. Check Show.

7. Click Save.

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