Monday, October 22, 2018

List of Transactions where the Sales Rep assigned is different on the Customer Record

There are instances where the Sales Rep of the Customer is not the same Sales Rep assigned on the Transaction. To get a list of this Transactions, a Saved Search can be created.

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New

2. Select Transaction from the list

3. Under the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, add the following filters

* Type = the type of Transactions you want to check (ex. Sales Orders)
* Main Line = True
* Formula (Numeric) = CASE WHEN {customer.salesrep}={salesrep} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END (where Formula is equal to 1)

4. On the Results tab, add the following fields:

* Sales Rep and change the Label to Transaction Sales Rep
* Customer: Sales Rep and change the Label to Customer Sales Rep

5. Save and Run.

This will now give you a list of the Transactions where the Sales Rep assigned is not the same as what is on the Customer Record. The Transaction Sales Rep and Customer Sales Rep field were added to the Results to show the difference.

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