Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Letter Merge for Custom Fields Referenced to Parent Records (i.e. Jobs records, Customer, other Custom Records or Multiple Layers of Referencing to Other Records

When using NLTAGS/ CRMSDK tags from custom fields which are referenced/sourced from Parent records, the value from the merged document can either be:
- blank/null
- Error: field not Found

In order to pull the values correctly, you have to include the tags of the referenced fields.
For example, in order to pull NLCUSTRECORD111-1 and NLCUSTRECORD111-2, below are the steps.

I. Check where the two custom fields are getting their values
     1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > view sample Custom record : Watershed MOU
         * note: Watershed MOU has 2 Custom fields that use referencing: Watershed Project Name and Watershed name
     2. Under Fields tab, click Watershed Project Name to see the settings.
    Settings for "Watershed Project Name".

            ID: custrecord111-1 
            Type = Free form text
            Store value = False
            Show in list = True
            Sourcing and Filtering
             >> Source list = Job name
             >> Source From = Watershed Project name

    3. Still under Fields tab, click Watershed Name to see the settings.
    Settings for "Watershed Name"

            ID: custrecord111-2
            Type = Free form text
            Store value = False
            Show in list = True
            Sourcing and Filtering
             >> Source list = Job name
             >> Source From = Watershed name

     4. The said fields are dependent on "Job Name" (ID: custrecord222), which is a custom field under the same custom record "Watershed MOU".

II. Check the settings of the referenced Parent custom record: Job Name
    1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsRecord Types > sample Custom record : Watershed MOU
    2. Click Fields tab 
    3. Click Job Name. 
    Below are the settings:

            - Type = List/ Record
            List/ Record = Job
            Store Value = False
            Show in List = True

            - Sourcing and Filtering:
            Source List = Grantee
            Source From = Associated WS Job

III. Check the settings of the sourced field Associated WS Job under custom record "Grantee" 
    1. Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsRecord Types 
    2. Click Watershed Grantee
    3. Click Fields tab
    4. Click Associated WS Job
        Below are the settings of Associated WS Job
            Type = List/ Record
            List/ Record = Job
            Store Value = True
            Show in List = True

IV.  Create a letter template with the two tags and include the referenced field NLCUSTRECORD222
1. Navigate to Documents > Templates > Letter Templates
2. Click Edit to the desired Letter Template
Note: Provided that there is already an existing Letter template with the corresponding sample source file
3. Add the following CRMSDK tags

4. Save the Letter Template
5. View any Watershed MOU custom record and do a letter merge

Actual result: The tags for NLCUSTRECORD111-1 and NLCUSTRECORD111-2 pulled the right values.
If desired result is to prevent recipients from seeing NLCUSTRECORD222, make the font color "white".





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