Sunday, October 21, 2018

Government requirement: Sales Transactions Rate column reflect Rate plus VAT

1.   Navigate to Customization > Lists,Records & Fields > Transaction Line Fields > New

2.   Provide a name

3.   Set the following field values:

Type= Free-form Text

StoreValue = False

4.   Mark the followingas True under the Applies To tab

SalesItem = True

Print on Standard Forms

5.   Set this value under the Validation &Defaulting tab:

Default Value field ={rate}+({rate}*{taxrate1})

Formula =True

6.   Click Save



        This solution also applies when Setup >Company > Enable Features > Accounting > Advanced Taxes = True

        This column = UnitPrice + VAT applied to the unitprice and is different from GrossAmount (Amount + Tax Amt)

        Alternate Solution to Enhancement 94412

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